Favorite Valentine's Candy in Maryland & Delaware

Valentine's Day is historically known as a day when candy sales skyrocket. Specifically, chocolate candy. While the National Retail Federation believes that spending on other types of gifts like jewelry and gift certificates will drop this year, they're almost certain that candy sales will remain on the up-and-up. In a recent survey dedicated to nailing down the most popular Valentine's Day candy in each state, here's what the results are looking like for Maryland and Delaware:

#1 in Maryland: M&M's - about 14,000 pounds of these tiny chocolate candies make their way into the state each year for the holiday.

#1 in Delaware: Hershey's Kisses - Delaware residents purchase over 7,100 pounds of these sweet treats.

Did your favorite Valentine's treat make the cut? Click here to see the full list of #1 candies across the country.


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